Development of preservation tools
Creation of a database model for archiving electroacoustic music pieces
In order to organize the data and documents preserved in the studios, a database has been developed and is currently being implemented to easily retrieve all the documentation available on each of the works. It will enable the Art Zoyd Studios team to provide the necessary documents to artists wishing to rework or reinterpret Art Zoyd pieces, or in general, pieces produced during residencies at Art Zoyd Studios.
This information structure model for indexing and archiving electroacoustic music is designed to be used by other institutions and creative centers with similar needs for indexing and classifying electroacoustic music archives. It enables indexing of works, as well as indexing of documents enriching the information about these works (technical documents, interviews, documents linked to the creative process). Data on each work is added progressively, to enrich as much as possible the information that can be searched in the database, making it available to all users.
The database itself was created using the Heurist open source system, developed at the University of Sydney and implemented in France on the Human-Num servers at CNRS. Heurist allows access via a relatively simple consultation interface.
Software reconstruction of an Akai S6000 sampler
As part of the Art Zoyd Studios archive project, which began in 2019, a software tool has been specifically designed to fulfill an essential role in the preservation and transmission of Art Zoyd's musical works: that of restoring on computer today, in an accessible computer environment that is as open as possible, the operation of the Akai machines manufactured for sound sampling since the 1980s, which have become obsolete and often unusable today - and in particular the operation of the Akai S6000 model, widely used by Art Zoyd and by composer Gérard Hourbette.
Developed and fine-tuned by several computer music producers, initially Raphaël Panis, then Oudom Southammavong and Gabriel Venner, this software tool is presented as a sampler reproducing in an updated interface the functionalities of the Akai S6000 within Max/MSP. Starting from the observation that the main technical difficulty in the task of preserving and transmitting Art Zoyd's musical pieces is the obsolescence of this electronic musical equipment, which was historically used both during the composition process and during live performances, During these performances, numerous Akai samplers were mobilized live and controlled by keyboards or electronic percussion, and the design of a tool that could replace these devices today in a much more accessible way in the most open computing environment possible was essential to enable the archiving of these pieces and their future interpretation by other musicians.
This tool is now used by Art Zoyd Studios to save and migrate music from its historical repertoire, and is also destined to be made available to future composers wishing to work with the particular functionalities and ergonomics of Akai samplers, which have profoundly marked the history of electronic music.
years of press archives on the Art Zoyd group
archived scores
backed-up hard disks
parts entered in the database
Backed-up CDs and DVDs
reactivated parts