Immersive concert/environment
A musical form that is as much concert as installation: in an "other" venue where the usual separation between audience and performers is abolished, the two are on the same level, close together. > Music played live by a small group of electrified, spatialized instruments is superimposed on a dense electronic framework, also generated (played) in real time. > The space is plunged into a semi-darkness in which glittering snatches of electronic images or flashes of light, also played in the moment of the show, like instruments in their own right, albeit mute. > A moment of floating senses, almost stasis, freely inspired by the idea of underwater "mesosphotic zones".
The initial inspiration for the general "climate", the very idea of this musical project, comes from the imagination of underwater spaces, in particular the "mesosphotic zones", i.e. those shallow areas, up to a depth of around 150 meters, where light still arrives, albeit barely, and which are still poorly known and little explored. From this "impulse", a show/concert/installation project: - A dimly-lit "zone" where images and luminescence shimmer, and where electronic and instrumental sounds intersect, sometimes heavy and deep, but with appearances of high-pitched harmonics, or furtive sound clouds, a little like breakthroughs of raw luminosity. - A rather dark space, in which the usual stage/room separation is abolished. The "island" arrangement of instruments and loudspeakers modifies listening conditions: a form of spatialization of both acoustic and electronic sound.
Composition, electric bass and images Kasper T. Toeplitz
Percussion Didier Casamitjana
Cello Brice Catherin
Immersion video Gilles Paté
Lighting design Sophie Lepoutre
Sound projection Zak Cammoun
Computer music director Oudom Southammavong
Production Art Zoyd Studios
Coproduction Le Phénix Scène Nationale de Valenciennes, with the support of Espace Pasolini- Valenciennes and Centre Henri Pousseur - Liège
With the support of La Drac Hauts-de-France, Conseil Régional Hauts-de-France, Valenciennes Métropole and Ville de Valenciennes
This project received writing support from the French Ministry of Culture.
Premiere March 13, 2024 at Phénix - Scène Nationale de Valenciennes
Available on tour - Contact production / diffusion
Monique Hourbette-Vialadieu
+ 33 (0)6 10 80 68 60
upcoming events by Zones de Profondeurs artists
Apr 2025
Landscapes from the underworld (April 3, 2025) in Mons (B)
T. Toeplitz
T. Toeplitz
Feb 2026
Elephant Memoirs – Creation, Arenberg Creative Mine (Wallers)
Villafagne, Didier
Casamitjana, Kasper
T. Toeplitz @ Arenberg Creative Mine | Valenciennes, France
Villafagne, Didier
Casamitjana, Kasper
T. Toeplitz @ Arenberg Creative Mine | Valenciennes, France
Mar 2026
Elephant Memoirs – The Phoenix, Valenciennes
Villafagne, Didier
Casamitjana, Kasper
T. Toeplitz @ le phénix, scène nationale de Valenciennes | Valenciennes, France
Villafagne, Didier
Casamitjana, Kasper
T. Toeplitz @ le phénix, scène nationale de Valenciennes | Valenciennes, France
Mar 2026
Elephant Memoirs – The Phoenix, Valenciennes
Villafagne, Didier
Casamitjana, Kasper
T. Toeplitz @ le phénix, scène nationale de Valenciennes | Valenciennes, France
Villafagne, Didier
Casamitjana, Kasper
T. Toeplitz @ le phénix, scène nationale de Valenciennes | Valenciennes, France
Mar 2026
Elephant Memoirs – The Phoenix, Valenciennes
Villafagne, Didier
Casamitjana, Kasper
T. Toeplitz @ le phénix, scène nationale de Valenciennes | Valenciennes, France
Villafagne, Didier
Casamitjana, Kasper
T. Toeplitz @ le phénix, scène nationale de Valenciennes | Valenciennes, France