Art Zoyd Studios - Muzzix

Océan - Mémoire is a musical work that explores sounds made unusual by the use of microtonality and a non-octave structure. In other words, the notes don't follow traditional octave repetition patterns, but instead create a dense, complex soundscape, where each pitch blends into the next. This approach results in a richness of sound that surprises the ear accustomed to classical intervals.
More precisely, the piece uses extremely reduced intervals, not in 1/4 tones (as might be found in some experimental music), but in 1/24 tones. This much finer process enables notes to be played very close together, with differences that are almost imperceptible individually, but which together form a unique sound texture. The result is subtle nuances, harmonic continuity and micro-variations that blur the usual pitch references.
This creates a mesh of sound so tight that the notes blend together like shades of color that are impossible to distinguish with precision. The listener is immersed in a sea of sound where it becomes difficult to discern every detail, as if observing the ocean and its infinite waves.
The piece is carried by a quartet of musicians, each playing an essential role in this flow of sound: Kasper T. Toeplitz on bass and electric sub-bass, Barbara Dang on keyboards, Peter Orins on acoustic and electronic percussion, and Christian Pruvost on trumpets.
All these instruments are amplified and transformed by electronic processing. To this instrumentation is added a purely electronic part, generated in real time by an autonomous program that enriches the piece, like a virtual fifth performer.
Composition by Kasper T. Toeplitz
With Kasper T. Toeplitz (electric bass, electronic processing)
Barbara Dang (Keyboards and electronic processing)
Peter Orins (acoustic and electronic percussion, electronic processing)
Christian Pruvost (Trumpets and electronic processing)
Available on tour - Contact production / diffusion
Monique Hourbette-Vialadieu
+ 33 (0)6 10 80 68 60
Pauline Fossier, Distribution Manager
09 50 91 01 72
upcoming events by 0CÉAN-MÉMOIRE artists
Apr 2025
Landscapes from the underworld (April 3, 2025) in Mons (B)
T. Toeplitz
T. Toeplitz
Feb 2026
Elephant Memoirs – Creation, Arenberg Creative Mine (Wallers)
Villafagne, Didier
Casamitjana, Kasper
T. Toeplitz @ Arenberg Creative Mine | Valenciennes, France
Villafagne, Didier
Casamitjana, Kasper
T. Toeplitz @ Arenberg Creative Mine | Valenciennes, France
Mar 2026
Elephant Memoirs – The Phoenix, Valenciennes
Villafagne, Didier
Casamitjana, Kasper
T. Toeplitz @ le phénix, scène nationale de Valenciennes | Valenciennes, France
Villafagne, Didier
Casamitjana, Kasper
T. Toeplitz @ le phénix, scène nationale de Valenciennes | Valenciennes, France
Mar 2026
Elephant Memoirs – The Phoenix, Valenciennes
Villafagne, Didier
Casamitjana, Kasper
T. Toeplitz @ le phénix, scène nationale de Valenciennes | Valenciennes, France
Villafagne, Didier
Casamitjana, Kasper
T. Toeplitz @ le phénix, scène nationale de Valenciennes | Valenciennes, France
Mar 2026
Elephant Memoirs – The Phoenix, Valenciennes
Villafagne, Didier
Casamitjana, Kasper
T. Toeplitz @ le phénix, scène nationale de Valenciennes | Valenciennes, France
Villafagne, Didier
Casamitjana, Kasper
T. Toeplitz @ le phénix, scène nationale de Valenciennes | Valenciennes, France