The sound installation Le bruit de l'air, based on a geolocation application developed for Art Zoyd Studios by and with the Mu collective. Inaugurated on Saturday September 16 during the 2023 Heritage Days on the Parvis Gérard Hourbette (Place du Phénix Scène Nationale de Valenciennes), the app is available on Google Play and Apple Store.
Click on the QR code below to download an application that will let you listen to an immersive piece of music composed by Gérard Hourbette (Art Zoyd, 1983-2018) as you stroll around the Phénix forecourt. It will be followed by other musical creations.
Immersive listening to a sound creation based on music by Gérard Hourbette (Art Zoyd) More than just a mix of Gérard Hourbette's pieces, this assembly of extracts from the composer's works from different periods constitutes a new immersive piece enabling you to wander through the particular sound universe of the mastermind behind the Art Zoyd group. During the 20 years I spent with Gérard, references to the composer and philosopher John Cage were omnipresent. Everything is in everything, every minimalist sound contains every other sound on the planet. This complex universe, born of the singular sound of a violin string and moving towards a world of multiples, is Gérard's own, and I've often referred to it as "macro music". So let's penetrate the music of this major composer again and again, using this immersive experience, moving towards his diverse sonorities, his profound research into endless experimentation, his visions, his samplers, his violin, his humor, and finally let ourselves be guided by his music, which transcends us and fills us with his presence. Jérôme Soudan, August 2023
artistic direction Jérôme Soudan music Gérard Hourbette production / direction Art Zoyd Studios with the support of Phénix scène nationale and the City of Valenciennes development Collectif Mu and Art Zoyd Studios RIM Oudom Southammavong